Check out my handcrafted goodies ready to purchase here

Sunday, October 17, 2010


mum and her cards

mums cards and my easels

triple trouble- Mum denny and chris 

Bruce and Margaret from Lavender Fields of Bridgetown

very rare pic of me- sorry i know not good-
always squinting at the flash or pulling a stupid face!!
Thankyou all for your well wishes for my market!
Well all now done and dusted for another year.
Long day bit disappointed after last years block buster BUT on the positive side I have plenty of stock for ebay and the markets coming soon.
Mums handmade cards were an absolute hit- i am so proud of all her hard work coming to fruition!
Fantastic as always to see my market friends-
Karen from New Earth Soaps stop by her site and get some great deals- her soap is to die for!
Bruce and Margaret from Lavender Fields of Bridgetown   lavender candy which you cant stop eating and so many lovely lavender goodies.
Oh well must get ready for the next market- Dunsborough park this saturday!

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